Lisa is a registered Yoga Teacher 500 hours with Yoga Australia and went on to do further study to be a Certified Yoga Therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapists.
I offer Yoga Therapy Programmes for individuals, private yoga classes (both of which are available online), and am available for community drop-in classes depending on where I am as I often travel.

Yoga Therapy Programmes
Yoga Therapy Programmes are tailor made for my clients individual needs. I conduct an assessment on the body which can be done online. This involves asking you questions about your needs, goals and health history. I do observations on your posture, ease of movement, strength, breathing, and balance. This takes 60 mins. I then design a practice for your specific needs.
I video myself doing the actual practice and explain how to move and breathe so that you can easily follow. You are sent a private link to the video which you can download to your devices. Ideally you do the practice every day.
The programme is updated as your body changes. Typically a client will have an average of 3 sessions with me after the initial consultation. Some clients may require more sessions.
Your programme may include anything from an intensive prana (energy) lifting practice, to a deep relaxation for healing the body when rest is need that has minimal movement. We work with the tools of breath, movement (often very gentle), visualisation, and various types of meditation. Nothing should hurt when you practice. We take small intelligent steps to progress and heal. Absolute beginners and stiff bodies are welcome!
Yoga Therapy Programmes are a suitable option for clients who are disciplined to do a daily practice. Otherwise it is a waste of your valuable time and money.
Typically I give clients a practice to do based on how much time they can afford daily (e.g. 30- 90 mins). It is recommended that clients see me fortnightly providing that they have been doing a daily practice. This period is extended if there have been gaps in practice. You can book in for the sessions on my bookings page when you are ready for a programme upgrade.
To arrange for a session, please book in for a Pre-therapy consultation with me first to discuss your needs. Upon booking this, you will be asked to fill out a Waiver and Release Form which you are to email back to me. This gives me some basic information of why you are seeking Yoga Therapy, and in the 60 minute consultation we can have a chat and you can ask questions. When you book in for a 60 minute consultation for Yoga Therapy, we can focus on doing the assessment and observations which are needed for designing the programme.

Typical reasons why clients will come to see me for Yoga Therapy Programmes:
- Back pain such as strain or disc herniation, SI Joint dysfunction and sciatica.
- Scoliosis
- Auto-Immune disorders
- Anxiety and Depression
- Chronic fatigue
- Frozen shoulder
- Recovery from surgery
- Being a healthy weight
- Better sleep
- Better digestion.
- Working through a period of transition in their life

Private Yoga Classes
I offer private Yoga Classes both online and in person depending on where I am located (as I often travel). I will guide you through a 60 minute practice which is personalised for your needs of what your body is needing on that particular day.
Traditionally when a Yoga Teacher taught a student, the practice was unique to what the student was in need of. In modern society, this concept has been lost where many people end up in large classes led by a Teacher who does a practice which may actually be unsuitable for what their body is needing. Everything that is done in Yoga, the way that you breathe, move and meditate is done for a specific reason. Let me give you a practice which will be perfect for YOUR body. Imagine for a moment enjoying a practice which connects you to your body. Where you learn to feel safe in your body. Where there is no judgement, no ego, and no comparisons. Imagine enjoying a practice suitable for your level with ease, is sustainable and most importantly enjoyable.

No class is the same as your body is changing every day. Each class changes to what you are needing in that moment. We practice asana (postures suitable for your body), pranayama (breathing practice), and meditation. I am primarily a Hatha Yoga Teacher. I also teach Restorative Yoga, and Yin Yoga.
All bodies are welcome. If you have a disability, if you are neurodiverse, if you are LGBTQIA+, if you are elderly, if you are pregnant, if you are an absolute beginner… You are welcome.
To book in for Private Yoga Classes, I would firstly like to have a Pre-therapy consultation with you so I can understand what your needs and goals are. You will be asked to fill out a Waiver and release form which you are to email back to me. This way when you book in for a Private Yoga Class (60 mins), we can just get in to the practice.
Drop In Community Yoga Classes
When I am in a part of the world for long enough from time to time I run drop in Community Yoga Classes. Follow me on my social media pages for updates on any classes I may be running. Please bring your own yoga mat to these classes. You will need to fill out a Waiver and Release Form and show it to me along with the receipt of payment for the class upon arrival.
My Yoga Story

I walked into my first yoga class in 1995. My big sister thought it might be a great idea as at the time as I was really struggling with anxiety trying to keep up with University studies as a Teacher. Yoga was a timely balm that soothed me.
Over the years there had been gaps in my practice, and yet Yoga was something that I always went back to when I needed it. It was a grounding force that helped my mind and gave me the experience of feeling better in my body.
The Teacher in me felt compelled to learn how it worked, and to Teach and help others. I completed my Yoga Teacher Training in 2011 and opened my Yoga School – Laughing Lotus Yoga (which later became Thinking Feeling Moving). I taught in many different churches, halls, schools, ran yoga retreats, workshops, and had a home studio. I did further study in Yoga to get my Level 2 qualification, and later became a Certified Yoga Therapist. I have had hundreds of students over the years, some of which went on to be yoga teachers themselves!
- studied at the Isha Yoga Centre Programme for Inner Engineering.
- stayed at the Isha Yoga Centre in the South of India where I experienced a profound spiritual connection.
- underwent a full Panchakarma detoxification healing for 3 weeks with Vaidyagrama Ayurvedic healing village in the south of India.
- studied the Universal Healing Tao Programme with Grand Master Taoist Mantak Chia (in person).
In 2019 I had spine surgery for a severely herniated disk which gave me intensive neuropathic bilateral pain down both legs. I found it very difficult to move my body. Things like walking, and personal care was really difficult. Post-surgery I recovered to being able to do a full yoga practice again. My knowledge in Yoga Therapy enabled me to recover quickly and to regain my strength and mobility. It will always be a space of weakness in my spine, but my Yoga keeps my body strong and mobile.
For me yoga is a joy. I am thankful that I can do a daily practice. It has gotten me through some very difficult times in my life. As your Yoga Teacher, I don’t just show you how to follow a practice, I teach you about Yoga.
Yoga Nidra Meditations (Yogic Sleep)

I have a YouTube channel where I have recorded dozens of Yoga Nidra Meditations which help you to:
- reduce the effects of stress and anxiousness
- help with post- traumatic growth
- increase the body- mind connection so you can be 'less in your head and more in your body' which is an essential building block for accessing sexual pleasure.
- Learn how to self- regulate
From the Satyananda Yogic tradition, my free recordings are available to access at anytime and from anywhere. You can just listen to the sound of my voice, lay down for 30 mins and engage in deep rest. You engage your parasympathetic nervous system which switches your body into ‘rest and repair’ mode. Filmed in beautiful places around the world, you can hear nature's soundscape, let go and relax.
“What does it take to find that rhythm of routine we are so often promising ourselves to change our lifestyle? It was late at night with all the excitement of heading overseas on the trip of a lifetime that simply passing my husband a bag was the beginning of a shoulder injury. It would be some time into the trip before the injury began to give my problems but by the time I returned home it would become apparent I had a frozen shoulder. I would soon come to learn that there would be no quick fix for what had become a very painful and debilitating problem. Looking back now, I can only thank my frozen shoulder for it led me to attending a yoga therapy session, yoga and meditation classes with Lisa at Thinking Feeling Moving. From the very beginning, Lisa’s gentle approach to my injury was a relief but it was her holistic approach that would set me on a course to gain the insight into understanding the benefits of daily yoga and meditation practice. I found Lisa to be realistic and she encourages you to set your own time limits for what you feel is achievable. Lisa offers guidance in not only yoga and meditation techniques but also in all areas of improving your lifestyle, including diet. She also follows up with emails and reading material that encourages and supports you to help you achieve your goals. Lisa’s approach worked for me and I found the discipline I had long been seeking to make that change. Why not give Lisa a try and help make that change stick.”
“I’ve struggled with a back injury for the last 16 yrs. One whole year of one on one Yoga Therapy sessions with Thinking Feeling Moving and now I’m in the best physical health I’ve ever been! Thank you Lisa.”
“Because of recently diagnosed low bone density & chronic fatigue many years ago I have been treated with Western Medicines. Since then I have developed a network & community of friends who have brought me to Lisa’s classes. Lisa has encouraged each of us to set our intention to where we wish to be & along with gentle guidance incorporating our Practice with nutrition, meditation & mindfulness. For me, it has set a new direction raising my awareness & allowing me to focus on what I can do to improve my condition. Unknowingly my recent full body scan has shown an increase in my Bone Density…love you Lisa!”
“Through yoga therapy, severe stress-related neck pain that troubled me for more than 8 years has dissipated, along with a lot of other body tension! Equally remarkable has been the inner transformation I have experienced…calm, groundedness and clarity, even in the daily intensity of my work as a midwife. With warmth, sincerity and gentle honesty Lisa has led me in discovering a way to nurture my body daily. I am so thankful.”
“My post yoga therapy experience, effects & reflections confirmed and highlight how much I gained from a 2 hour investment in time, $ and practice in a yoga therapy assessment with Lisa McGarva. I highly recommend that others make such a sound choice to experience and benefit from the gifts of Lisa’s insightful, elegant and keen observations to notice what in our yoga practice needs naming, adapting and aligning. The effects from Lisa’s yoga session enable myself to re-script my yoga narrative as a means of transforming myself through a personalised, tailored daily yoga practice.”
You might like to learn a little more about me on LinkedIn or get in touch via one of the channels below.